PHOTO: © Foto: Robert Schittko

SculpturePopulaire: Kostenfreie Führung zur Außenskulptur und Werken von Leiko Ikemura im PalaisPopulaire

In the organizer's words:

With the artwork "Figure with three Birds" by Leiko Ikemura, the 6th outdoor sculpture in front of the PalaisPopulaire will be on display until October 14.

In addition to other works by the Swiss-Japanese artist in the rotunda of the exhibition building, we cordially invite you to take a one-hour tour to find out more about the background and significance of the works.

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Price information:

Free of charge. Limited number of seats. Please book a free ticket in the PalaisPopulaire ticket store.


PalaisPopulaire Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

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