Punchlines against the patriarchy: the queer-feminist "Smash Comedy Club" from Hamburg celebrates the women, FLINTA* and queer comedians of the German comedy scene!
"Smash Comedy" stands for comedy without -isms: sexism, racism, misogyny, ableism and queer and trans hostility have no place here. Instead, there is plenty of room for perspectives and voices that are otherwise often underrepresented.
The motto is: With maximum fun and diversity against discrimination! Although it is not a political cabaret, "Smash Comedy" and the audience make a cultural activist statement together. With comedy that not only challenges the laugh muscles, but also reaches the heart. Welcome to a special show that proves how much energy and humor there is in diversity!
If you are a female comedian, FLINTA* and/or queer and would like to play with us, send us an email to smashcomedyshow@gmail.com and you will get a spot in one of our shows!
(FLINTA* stands for women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, transgender and agender people)