PHOTO: © Jennifer Rohrbacher

Sophie Sophie Sophie! –Die Kunst in allen Dingen

In the organizer's words:

Sophie Sophie Sophie! -The art in all things
Own work by and with Theater R.A.B.

Sophie Taeuber-Arp, born January 19, 1889, was a painter, weaving artist, performance artist, dancer, Dadaist, costume designer, furniture designer, architect, interior designer, lecturer, hostess and campaigner for the modern arts.
The police report stated: "Sophie Taeuber-Arp, died January 13, 1943 from carbon monoxide poisoning. Occupation: housewife."

Sophie Taeuber-Arp - for a long time the woman on the 50 SFr. bill - was active throughout Europe at the interface of classical and modern art. Her creative spectrum, her artistic approach and her aesthetics are groundbreaking and yet she remained inconspicuous.
Various art forms - drama, mask play, object theater and projection mapping - merge to tell the Kafkaesque frame story: two clerks work in a small office. Their job is to categorize people and events correctly and sensibly. One day, they receive testimonies from Sophie Taeuber-Arp, who has suddenly died. The clerks' job: to classify!
The fact that they fail is due to the sheer volume of the work ...
When the works begin to fight back, the events take on surreal traits.

The production is a cooperation with Radio Dreyeckland and E-WERK Freiburg e.V.
and is currently supported by the Cultural Office of the City of Freiburg im Breisgau, the Baden-Württemberg State Association of Independent Dance and Theater Professionals with funds from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts, the Office for Culture of the Canton of St. Gallen/Swisslos and the Cultural Office of the City of St. Gallen.

Theater R.A.B. is an independent professional theater that has a rehearsal room and a workshop. The theater is financed by income from guest performances, project-related grants, entrance fees and theater seminars. The owners are Franziska Braegger (acting and production management) and Len Shirts (acting, make-up and character design, graphics).

For "Sophie - Die Kunst in allen Dingen", freelance artists who have worked on several productions at R.A.B. are involved: together with Braegger and Shirts, digital media artist Roland Sproll has developed the concept. He is responsible for the design of the projections. Also involved is freelance director and author Brian Lausund, who has already directed over six R.A.B. productions. The young actor Sebastian Götz is already working on his third R.A.B. project. The composer and percussionist Ro Kuijpers has been creating dramatically outstanding works that are an integral part of the R.A.B. aesthetic since 1999. For the fourth time, Werner Klaus, who works mainly in Ravensburg, is creating the stage design. Susanne Kloiber, costume designer and garment master, who has been responsible for the costumes for "Sophie - Die Kunst in allen Dingen" since 2010, is back again.

A co-production of Theater R.A.B., Radio Dreyeckland & E-WERK Freiburg

Supported by the Cultural Office Freiburg, the State Association of Independent Dance and Theater Professionals Baden-Württemberg, the Office for Culture Canton St. Gallen/Swisslos and the Cultural Office City of St. Gallen.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

20,00€ / 15,00€ (reduced)


SÜDUFER Haslacher Straße 41 79115 Freiburg im Breisgau

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