Spot on, NRW! shines the spotlight on the local film scene! We celebrate the founding of the association Freie Szene Film Dortmund e. V., which is committed to strengthening the scene.
mother city
schubert-stegemann, Mirella Drosten
DE 2024, 8'
How do we deal with traces of the past - in cities and in an ageing female body?
Confessions of Pia Antonia
Artiom Zavadovsky
DE 2024, 14'
About the non-conformity of a self-taught artist and this film that gives her and her works space.
Gina Wenzel
DE 2024, 4'
An artistic exploration of the cultural diversity of a city.
Female Walk
Lilith Gosmann
DE 2024, 10'
A performative table talk gives rise to an impulse for emancipation.
Linda Verweyen
DE 2024, 6'
A walk and storytelling about love, racism and hope.
Last night
Nicola Gördes, Stella Rossié
DE 2023, 10'
The last evening in a dystopian world that could repeat itself over and over again.
All information about the International Women's Film Festival Dortmund+Cologne can be found at and on our social media channels Facebook and Instagram.
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