Radio re-enactment of the end of the 2nd World War
MAY 8, 2025
Small broadcasting hall
Director and sound artist Ulrike Ruf brings the Nazis' most important propaganda tool to life at a historical location with "Stunde Null", a radio re-enactment for pianists and an 8-channel sound collage of original radio documents. The silencing of the Nazi radio station in spring 1945 symbolizes the end of the war and the "zero hour". It combines with the iconic piece 4'33'' byJohn Cage, in which no sound is heard, to create a space of possibility. This moment of pausing, of listening to the silence, of perceiving is followed by the original recording of the Nocturne in F major op. 10, No. 1 byP. Tchaikovsky, the first classical piece to be recorded in the Kleiner Sendesaal after the end of the war and broadcast to the bombed-out Berliners.
5 performances
Admission 17:00
17:30* (UA)/18:10*/ 19:30/ 20:10/ 20:45
18:45/ 21:20 Lecture with audience discussion in the foyer with Prof. Dörte Schmidt (UdK-Berlin, Forschungsstelle Exil undNachkriegskultur)
Ulrike Ruf: concept and sound collage
Ernst Surberg: piano
Carlo Grippa: sound design and sound direction
Torsten Podraza: light
Christina Gießmann: Production management
-> in the interim: The gallery on the 4th floor with a wall newspaper on the history of the house is open. We also recommend the podcast "Das Haus des Rundfunks" episodes 2 + 3
Free admission
Reservation subject to a fee
* The performances are video recorded
Further information at:
Organizer: Ulrike Ruf
Supported by the Haupstadtkulturfonds
Media partner: rbb radio3