Terry Hoax? That's right, this is the band that landed a veritable hit in the 90s with their cover version of "Policy Of Truth", which was played up and down on MTV at the time.
Anyone who has seen the band live in recent years will have wondered why they don't play the really big venues. So much humor, cracking joy of playing and energy make for a lasting fan. Terry Hoax have not always succeeded in transferring this feeling to a studio album. They often sounded slowed down and fenced in on recordings. They didn't seem to feel really comfortable without an audience. A passionate live band is not so easy to confine. So this time they used a psychological trick: They had their new album financed by their fans via crowdfunding, reached almost 300% of the required sum and went into the studio with this elation. The new album "Thrill!" is a raw-rocking, creative, wild journey into the universe of a band that will tear their legs out for the fans / give everything for the fans!
Price information:
26€ VVK plus fees