Thu. 03.04. / Admission 7 pm / Start 8 pm
Free admission
From an architectural point of view, the music bar in the bunker is a special room within a special building. And therefore probably the most suitable place for the creative music constructors of The Double Man. The Düsseldorf duo Felix Schumann and Constantin Wallhäuser play with sound elements like building blocks. One element is added to another, another is discarded and a new one is sought in its place. The rummaging in the box of building blocks is loud. There are unmuted artifacts. The microphone remains on, which means that the immediate surroundings, the creaking of chairs, the clicking of switches and buttons remain audible.
Not all the components fit together - but the sound structure is still there.
The Double Man experiment with electro, noise and ambient genres, using modular synthesizers, guitar and voice for the variety of timbres.
Each performance develops organically from the interaction between the members: sometimes song, sometimes radio play, sometimes soundtrack, the music constantly takes on new forms, which is also a result of the duo's close collaboration. Spontaneous decisions and unexpected twists and turns create a musical architecture that can be heard on a deeper level with different ears.
Supported by the Landesmusikrat NRW and the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of NRW.
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