Sometimes funny, sometimes thought-provoking, sometimes nonsense, sometimes with meaning and always with a new episode of the live radio play "The adventurous adventures of the adventurous adventurer Romain Fabrique". Plus 1-star quizzes, talk, texts and music - it all happens at this reading stage. The two Frankfurt authors and solo artists Uli Höhmann and Jan Cönig have invented exactly the show they would like to attend, with a wild mix of poetry to nonsense and great guests from poetry slam, literature and comedy: Lisa kommt nicht - die Lesebühne.
This time with Stefan Sprang - author and journalist who not only geographically (Frankfurt - Essen) but also literarily likes to oscillate between short story and jazz novel, biography and radio play. His radio play monologue helden: tot from 2007 (with Andreas Fröhlich from the "???") was nominated for the German Audio Book Prize and staged for Theater Essen-Süd. Although completely unmusical himself, music from jazz to pop to operetta is a huge theme in his novels. His most recent radio play monologue Engel.
And with: Hannah Abelius from Leipzig - author of touching texts with subtle wit, Saxon state poetry slam champion, wedding speaker and aspiring sex and couples counselor. And of course without Lisa.
With the kind support of the Kulturamt Frankfurt.
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