PHOTO: © Badehaus Berlin

Unholy Alliance vol. IV

In the organizer's words:

Doors: 18:00
Start 19:00

Unholy Alliance is going for Round IV!

We Awake

Since 2016, We Awake has been tearing up stages all across Germany. Uninhibited mosh pits with style? Absolutely. The wild minds behind the all-destroying force of nature that is We Awake are Marwin, Flo, and Marnie, who mix and shake modern metalcore with hard deathcore until the brutal end result is delivered to the masses.


Darkness speaks from the heart of CRESCENDIUM: under the flagship of Mystic Metal, Elena Cor Tauri’s project travels through the abysses of the human soul to bring it into the light. Philosophical, emotional and gloomy Metal with progressive and melodic elements takes the listener into deep worlds.


Badehaus Berlin Revaler Str. 99 10245 Berlin

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