PHOTO: © Unsplash: Ahmad Odeh

Visionen - Die Welt in 100 Jahren

In the organizer's words:

If people 100 years ago could look at the world we live in today, they would probably declare us crazy in addition to being amazed: Mankind has walked on the moon, decoded the human genome and developed the smartphone alongside television, computers and the internet. But what will our world look like in 100 years?

Literature, films and the media all too often predict the end of the world. The dangers of climate change, political power struggles, our greed and weaknesses do not exactly paint humanity in a positive light. In our apocalyptic imaginations, we often forget to look to the future with hope. Yet scientific and technological progress can also show us the way to a great and exciting new world.

In Visions, the year is 2125, and three choreographers are dedicating a joint dance evening to their very personal visions of the future and the question: how and where will we be living in 100 years' time?

In dystopian or utopian-looking images and aesthetics, Visions not only tells of a future world, but also invites the audience to discover new styles, forms of movement and dance.

This content has been machine translated.


Europäische Kunstakademie Trier Aachener Straße 63 54294 Trier