The Philosophical Café Socrates at zakk. This is where conversations are held about important questions that life poses. As personal and unique as we are, as different and diverse we feel. Everyone is invited, no matter how old we feel or what school we attended.
The Philosophical Café will be hosted by Düsseldorf philosopher Jost Guido Freese. He is convinced that philosophizing is a matter for everyone and therefore belongs in public places. To make this possible, in addition to the usual plenary session - one of you talks and everyone else listens - there are also many new unique features such as the marketplace, the spotlight, the philosophers' quartet and the Golden Plate! Curious about it? You're welcome, whether you're already a regular guest of the Philosophical Café, or whether you want to join for the first time!
There are three basic rules to ensure that everyone can take part in the conversation: 1. speak everyday language! 2. tell examples! 3. talk to each other! This makes it clear that it's not about knowledge, books and quotes, but rather about questions about how we understand the world, ourselves and other people, what values are important to us and how we want to live. Participants can also make suggestions for further questions for future discussions. On the Philosophical Café homepage, you can read about the topics of past Cafés in the Von wegen Sokrates blog (see link below).
Jost Guido Freese is a practicing philosopher with his own practice in Düsseldorf.
Organizers: Jost Guido Freese & zakk
Price information:
Registration at: