PHOTO: © Johanna Geimer

Vortragsreihe im Beet

In the organizer's words:

Lecture series on the Zollinlandplatz

Information events on sustainable topics take place regularly on the stage at the Kulturkioscafé "Das Beet". Free admission.

The topics on the various dates are as follows:

August 29 18:00 - Honey bees and the role of the beekeeper

September 5 18:00 - A short introduction to permaculture

September 7 15:00 - Social permaculture and wild herb tour at the Zolli

September 22 - 16:00 Alternative farming concept

Registration not necessary. We look forward to seeing you!

This content has been machine translated.


Das Beet - Kulturkioskcafé Kistnerstraße 54 27576 Bremerhaven

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