We are Amelie and Merle, graduated with a bachelor's degree in education and are studying together for a master's degree in sexual sciences. We are passionate about sexuality, bodies in all their diversity, queer perspectives, sensuality, sensitivity and feminism.
We want to explore bodies together with you. Our vision is to recognize and accept all body parts as they are.
Our self-made photographs of naked body parts will support us in this. We want to accompany you in perceiving and reflecting on your relationship to bodies. Bring an open mind, curiosity and warm socks and send us a message to amerlie.workshop@gmx.de with your name, age and the date you choose and information will follow.
Please understand that places are limited, so Safe The Date!
*You choose a date and an amount within the price range.
If you have financial worries, please contact us and we will find a solution!
Registration at: amerlie.workshop@gmx.de
The event is part of the exhibition "Nimm dir VU!VA ZEIT!". You can find all information about the exhibition here: https: //rausgegangen.de/events/vuva-zeit-0/
Price information:
Price range: 20 - 40 € Registration: amerlie.workshop@gmx.de