What do the mouth and vulva have in common?
Exactly: they are both located at orifices and have lips!
And what else?
Quite obvious in the case of the mouth, less well known in the case of the vulva (more precisely: the many muscle layers of the pelvic floor): Both are used when singing and speaking!
In this workshop, we will focus primarily on the lower body region in order to explore how your voice can anchor itself deep in the body and thus unfold powerfully and colorfully.
Experience how your voice feels and sounds when it is deeply anchored in the body, when the pelvis, diaphragm and jaw become one. On a two-hour workshop journey, experience how your body opens up to your powerful sound and - incidentally - strengthens and energizes you mentally.
No previous experience necessary.
All genders welcome.
Maximum 15 people.
Price range: 27 - 57 €
Registration at: tirzahaerer@posteo.de
The event is part of the exhibition "Nimm dir VU!VA ZEIT!". You can find all information about the exhibition here: https: //rausgegangen.de/events/vuva-zeit-0/
Price information:
Price range: 27 - 57 € Registration at: tirzahaerer@posteo.de