People think. But what is thinking anyway? Does it require a brain, a network of living cells - or can artificial systems do it too? Can artificial intelligence think? New technologies - from neuromorphic systems to bio-computers - combine nature and technology. And quantum computers open up previously unimagined possibilities. How can information be processed, which approaches have which strengths - and what "thinks"?
We will discuss this with:
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer, Philosophy of Science, TUM, acatech
- Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid, University of Bamberg, Chair of Cognitive Systems; acatech Platform Learning Systems; Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt)
- Dr. Steffen Schneider, Helmholtz Munich, Computational Neuroscience
A series of events organized by acatech (German Academy of Science and Engineering), Münchner Merkur tz media group and Münchner Volkshochschule
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