Event for Equal Pay Day 2025
March 7, 2025 is Equal Pay Day (EPD) - the nationwide day of action for equal pay for men and women. EPD symbolically marks the pay gap of 18 percent per hour between the genders and falls on the day until which women statistically work for free, while men are paid for their work from January 1 - across all industries and professions.
For the Equal Pay Day Alliance in Hanover for Lower Saxony, one thing is clear: this must change! Transparent and fair wage structures are needed!
We talk to political and social leaders: What are our demands for more pay equity? What political measures are needed? What does pay transparency have to do with equal pay for equal work of equal value? Why does transparency help combat stereotyping and discrimination?
And we want to talk to you: What unfair, gender-specific gaps are there, and why? And what can you do for more pay equity?
When: March 7 from 2:55 p.m.
Where: At the Kröpcke in Hanover, with music, talk and poetry.
Who: The The Equal Pay Day Alliance in Hanover for Lower Saxony:
Gleichstellung Region Hannover, Referat für Frauen und Gleichstellung LHH, DGB Niedersachsen, LAG Gleichstellung, Stiftung Leben & Umwelt/Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Niedersachsen, Netzwerk Migrantinnen und Arbeitsmarkt Niedersachsen, ver.di Niedersachsen-Bremen, Landesbüro Niedersachsen der Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung, Landesfrauenrat Niedersachsen e.V., IGBCE Landesbezirk Nord, Vernetzungsstelle für Gleichberechtigung e.V., SoVD-Landesverband Niedersachsen e.V., Musikzentrum Hannover