22.03.2025 | Kafe Kult, Munich
XOXO (Hardcore/Metalcore, CH)|
GLOWER (Hardcore, Hamburg)
NEVER YOURS (Emo Punk, Nuremberg)
KRASUE (Meow Punk, IT)
workshop: LUCIFERSTHELIGHT (embroidery/needlework)
live interviews with FLINTA* involved on & off stage: INTO THE CAVE (live podcast)
We're offering flexible ticket pricing at the door, so you can choose based on your current financial situation:
- 5€ (Social Price) - only available at the door
- 15€ (Mid Price) - only available at the door
- 20€ (Supporter Price) - available both in presale and at the door
Why Three Prices?
Our goal is to make sure everyone can enjoy live music and culture. We want you to choose a price that matches your current means. While cultural funding helps, the support of those who can pay a bit more makes these events possible for everyone.
Choose a price that works for you. Whatever you pay - make an informed decision.
:) And if even the Social Price is too much right now, please reach out-we'll work with you to find a way to make it happen! :)
"I believe with my WHOLEHEARTMINDBODY that girls constitute a revolutionary soul force that can, and will, change the world for real."
-Kathleen Hanna, Bikini Kill Issue 2
What Kathleen Hanna wrote in 1991 resonates even louder in 2025, amidst a world still plagued by structural sexism, gender-based violence, and discriminatory politics.
WHOLEHEARTMINDBODY is a one-day, FLINTA*-centered music and subculture festival at Munich's Kafe Kult, organized by CoreChaos and Kafe Kult.
A FLINTA*Fest without excessive theorizing, or elaborate manifestos-just a raw, authentic celebration of (post-)hardcore, created by wxmen for wxmen, fueled by music, community, and revolutionary energy.