KATHA PAUER is changing direction. "backwards on the way home" is the name of the musician's
second EP and reflects on interpersonal relationships and her own self-image.
Documented snapshots and private observations form a consistent framework within which
framework within which KATHA PAUER intimately and self-determinedly demonstrates how
poetic a change of direction can sound. With titles such as "wenn ich ehrlich bin" and
"heimweg" she shows a deliberate stylistic switch from EP number 1 to the second album and
herself from a side that we could previously only guess at: soft, approachable and significantly
KATHA PAUER is the very personal solo project of Munich newcomer Katharina
Pauer: sweet, cheeky and touching, self-confident and vulnerable at the same time. Her musical socialization
socialization between church choir, Jimi Hendrix and MTV has left its mark. Above all
influences of the American R'n'B scene of the early 2000s in particular - such as Destiny's
Child, Beyoncé or Rihanna - continue to creep into KATHA's sound, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously,
sometimes unconsciously.
So KATHA starts early and motivated; YouTube karaoke quickly becomes more than just a pastime.
more than just a leisure activity. She joins an artists' collective in Munich,
first small pop experiments, gained experience with professional recording
recording, tests a still English-language artist project under the name Kadie and
leaves Munich at the age of 20 to study in Vienna. With making music as her own
comfort zone, she feels safe on stage. "Enjoying an unconscious state",
she calls it, and anyone who has ever experienced the musician live will nod in the affirmative