The exhibition by the Darmstädter Geschichtswerkstatt e.V. is dedicated to the question of who the people were who did not fit into the National Socialist "people's community" due to their way of life. This was the subject of a research project carried out by Bernhard Schütz and Kirsti Ohr from the Geschichtswerkstatt together with pupils from the Bertolt-Brecht-Schule in Darmstadt. As a result, biographies of those persecuted during the Nazi era were compiled from official documents, correspondence and personal messages. The selected biographies can be retraced in the Hessian Main State Archives in Wiesbaden - supplemented by original documents from the museum. The artist Rainer Lind documents the experiences and insights of those involved in the project. In video interviews, they report on their encounters with the biographies behind the sources.
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