Here you can find the best events in Halle (Saale) Whether concert, theater, exhibition, flea market or film. Always independent, subjective and different. With a bit of luck, we’ll put you on the guest list - check out all events in Halle (Saale) now and Create an account.
Stadtbibliothek Halle, …
TheaterVolksbühne Kaulenberg |…
MuseumHändel-Haus Halle
GalleryKUNSTHALLE "Talstrasse"
VenuePuschkinhaus Halle
VenueVolkspark Halle
OtherPlanetarium Halle
StoreJacques’ Weindepot Hall…
ClubCharles Bronson
Sports VenueSparkassen-Eisdom
ClubTanzbar Palette
ClubTurm Halle
ClubKlub Drushba
TheaterNeues Theater Halle
CaféAvecio Café Shop
ClubStation Endlos
Sports VenueSporthalle im Bildungsz…
Sports VenueKarlsbad - Angersdorfer…
ClubBANKERS Club Halle
RestaurantGaststätte Haus Am Fuch…
OtherHühnermanhattan Kultur …
OtherKinder-, Jugend- und Fa…
ClubObjekt 5
MuseumStadtmuseum Christian-W…