The Bagatelle Bar is back! On the menu there are trifles, porkies and also a few light and healthy things. Plus Gaffel Wiess and Johann Schäfer Pilsener on tap, various bottled beers, long drinks, wines and local schnapps.
Otherwise, Bagatelle Bar is meant to be a colorful place full of peace, joy and movement. Go to the basement and play foosball, go to our candy bar and get a mixed bag, meet people, sit on the terrace or have a party in the basement or attend a concert.
A votre santé & a toast. To life!
Your Bagatelle
OYA Müllem
Asimmetric Bar
King Georg
die wohngemeinschaft
Bumann & SOHN
Zum Scheuen Reh
Fiffi Bar
Die hängenden Gärten vo…
Zum Goldenen Schuss
Off Bar
Spritz* Bar
Stereo Wonderland
die kunstbar
Bar Botanik
Barracuda Bar