In May 2012, the COMMUNITYartCENTERmannheim (CACM) was opened in Neckarstadt-West as part of a nationwide urban development program.
The CACM is a place of encounter and a place from which activating art is brought into the district and into urban society. Professional artists relate to the residents and thus to the topics and problems in the neighborhood. We want to contribute to building bridges between the different residents and also bridges between different neighborhoods. With our artistic work, we stand up for a democratic culture of equality in the entire urban society and oppose group-related misanthropy.
In the CACM, people who live in the district meet people who come to the district to experience something. Here art is produced and communicated: professional art of all kinds, theater, dance, music, visual art (action art and photography).
This art is always art with a claim for change, which draws attention to problems, takes up conflict topics, such as antiziganism, and ties in with the realities of life in the district. We focus on long-term cooperations and formats that create connections between different cultures of origin, ways of life, in schools, kindergartens, neighborhoods and between strangers and friends.
COMMUNITYartCENTERmannheim also sees itself as a place for artistic learning. We bring our artistic work to various public places in the district and the city of Mannheim.
Since February 2021, the CACM is a member of the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Soziokultureller Zentren Baden Württemberg (LAKS).
The CACM is supported by the Open Society Foundations, the Freudenberg Foundation, the BT Spickschen Foundation, the City of Mannheim and the Heinrich Vetter Foundation.
Alte Feuerwache
Neckarau Mannheim
Kulturhalle Feudenheim
Gartenstadt Mannheim
Käfertal Mannheim
Franklin Mannheim
Wallstadt Mannheim
Mannheim - Sandhofen
Mannheim - Feudenheim
Almenhof Mannheim
Lindenhof Mannheim
Mannheim - Wallstadt
Mannheim - Neckarau
Mannheim - Almenhof
Mannheim - Lindenhof
Cool Pool – Projektraum…
Rheinauer See
Strandbad Waidsee
Planetarium Mannheim