Welcome to the Echtzeit ticket store!
Located in Cologne's popular Friesenstraße, an exciting evening program meets delicious BBQ every evening.
We open at 6 pm for food and drink, then from around 8 pm artists perform on our small stage and entertain our guests with their skills.
Orders can be placed at any time using your own smartphone. Simply scan the QR card at your seat, select your food and drink and send it off. We will then prepare your order as quickly as possible.
To our seating arrangement:
In 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, "Echtzeit" was founded. Since then, difficult times have always shaped us and shown us what is really important: that's why we sit together. We will guide you to your seat, together with your group, to our numerous communal tables with other contemporaries.
Our guests are of different origins and nationalities.
nationalities. They are of different genders and have different sexual identities. They are of different faiths and have different world views. They are old or young, disabled or able-bodied. We all benefit from this diversity.
For further questions, reservations and orders, please call us on
01525 4787 992
And please don't forget: at Friesenstraße 33 in Cologne, a cold Peters Kölsch is always available. It's a matter of honor!
See you soon,
Your Echtzeit
Die Kantine
Filmhaus Köln
E-Werk Köln
Kulturraum 405 e.V.
Bürgerhaus Stollwerck
Bürgerhaus Kalk
Tanzbrunnen Köln
Groove Bar
Live Music Hall
Kölner Jugendpark
Bürgerzentrum Ehrenfeld
Allerweltshaus Köln
Helios 37
PICADUO Schmuck Worksh…