Since 1983, DENKtRÄUME has been archiving and documenting information on women's* and gender issues - thematically diverse and multimedia: an extensive and differentiated collection of specialist books and fiction, press clippings, magazines, videos, brochures, leaflets, databases, information material ... The aim is to make traditional and current women's* knowledge visible in its diversity and variety and to provide a comprehensive pool of information for research, (further) education, research, information procurement, etc. - from 2005 to 2019 as part of the hamburger frauen*bibliothek. from 2005 to 2019 as part of the hamburger frauen*bibliothek.
- contributes FRAUEN* WISSEN AKTIV: By organizing events, lectures, readings ... DENKtRÄUME actively intervenes in the public debate. The collected knowledge can thus be used and further developed as a living experience for women's political practices and individual and social learning processes. Diversity (including the differences between women*), the adoption of different perspectives and the illumination of the spaces in between are central principles.
- promotes NETWORKING of women*
DENKtRÄUME is active in numerous networks and cooperations and provides spaces for networks, self-organized initiatives and groups to support active action and networking among women*.
Since its foundation as a women's* education center, many, many "time donors" have also always worked for DENKtRÄUME: Once again, a big and heartfelt thank you to all of you for your active and committed support of DENKtRÄUME, without you none of this would have been possible!
This content has been machine translated.KUNSTKLINIK Kulturzentr…
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