Friedhof Walle
PHOTO: © JF Martin via Unsplash

Friedhof Walle

Im Freien Meer 32 28219 Bremen Navigation >
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In the location's words:

With its old trees and generously designed water features, the Waller Friedhof cemetery is a successful example of how a serious theme can be dignified through skillful garden architecture and yet do justice to its use with a certain lightness.

The foundation for this was laid in 1875 by the Aachen garden architect Carl Jancke with his prize-winning competition design. Around ten years later, the garden architect Wilhelm Benque, known for his design of Bremen's Bürgerpark, expanded the grounds.

The trees, some important grave monuments and the generous water areas are particularly characteristic. The lakes were created at the time due to the need to fill in large quantities of soil for additional burial areas. Instead of transporting the soil from far away, it was collected directly on site, the craters were filled with water and the water areas were integrated into the site as a design element.

This created an idyllic burial site in the densely populated district of Walle, but also a green oasis that invites visitors to take contemplative walks and observe nature. Those who want to pursue more lively leisure activities can do so in the directly adjacent Waller Park.

Anyone who would like to know more about Waller Friedhof can obtain a small brochure from the cemetery office on site.

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