Concerts, free wi-fi, a library for everyone, dance events, films, clubbing nights, workshops and much more. The Gasteig HP8 offers culture and space for Munich.
The cultural center has had its new home at Hans-Preißinger-Strasse 8 in Sendling since October 2021, where it is open to everyone from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. every day. It is not only home to the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, the Adult Education Center, the City Library and the Academy of Music and Theater, but also hosts over 1,000 cultural events each year. Much of it free of charge.
The Gasteig HP8 includes the Isarphilharmonie, Munich's most modern concert hall for 1,900 spectators, and Hall E with the Open Library of the City Library. In addition to a wide range of media, here you will find a place to read and study. In addition, the listed hall houses, among other things, the central information and ticket counter, the registration and information desk of the Munich Adult Education Center, and a reading café where you can get the latest newspapers and magazines along with coffee and homemade cake. Regular film series and the children's cinema are held here in the projector. In the multifunctional Hall X, you can experience readings, clubbing nights and chamber concerts, among other things.
The whole program at
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