"Rock'n Read is the satirical reading stage in Cologne. As there are: Dagmar Schönleber, cabaret artist, author - Katinka Buddenkotte, author, at home on all reading stages in the republic - Christian Bartel, author, also a reading stage professional, awarded the Ben Witter Prize by the Taz for the satire page Truth and Marina Barth, author, cabaret artist and theater director. They have all published numerous books and more than 14 years ago they started their monthly construction dance troupe Rock'n Read and since then they can't get away from it. Luckily, neither has their audience, because RnR has long been a cult with ever-changing lyrics, ever-new ideas and a penchant for weird level... Music guest in the literature night is Christina Lux
Rock'n Read with a short program for the Literature Night on September 18, on the hour from 8 p.m. to midnight, a total of 5 readings.
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