Since 1991, the Faust cultural center in the heart of Hanover's Linden district has stood for lively and multifaceted cultural and district work
On the former site of the Werner & Ehlers bedspring factory, Faust has been offering a versatile infrastructure for art, culture, education and social activities on over 6300 square meters for three decades.
In the event halls, the goods receiving area, the 60s hall, the Mephisto and the art hall, a variety of cultural events from music, theater and literature to art exhibitions meet parties and disco series as well as committed, versatile educational and association work. With their commitment and projects, around thirty associations ensure interdisciplinary and intercultural work that has an impact far beyond the district.
The event program focuses on national and international artists and top acts as well as the presentation and promotion of Hanoverian and regional artists and up-and-coming bands. It is precisely from this mixture that Faust's cultural work draws its appeal, because it deliberately does not focus exclusively on current trends, but also arouses the audience's interest in new and newly discovered impulses and impressions.
Receiving department
The spectrum in the goods receiving department ranges from literature and music to documentary films, political discussions and talk formats and various forms of theater. Nationally successful ensembles such as the Improvisation Theater Hannover 98 have had their home in the Warenannahme venue for many years. Their programs turn classical theater on its head - the evening's scenes are spontaneously and freely performed and improvised according to the audience's instructions. Here, no two shows are the same and the audience witnesses "unique world premieres" in both senses of the word. The poetry competition "Macht Worte!" also causes a sensation. It is the largest regular live literary event of its kind in Hanover and the region. Here, renowned authors as well as up-and-coming artists submit their texts to the vote of over 200 literature-loving guests in the hall, which is always sold out.
60s hall and Mephisto
In the 60s Hall and Mephisto, various parties and disco series offer a wide range of events that is unparalleled in Hanover. These include exclusive electronic events by collectives such as HTD and popular all-time party hits such as the "90s Party". At Faust, the city's best and most famous DJs are behind the controls to thrill the audience.
There are also live concerts by top international and national acts such as Turbostaat, Alice Phoebe Lou, Die Kassierer, La Vela Puerca, Eläkeläiset, Afrob, Jazzmatazz, KRS-One, Götz Widmann, Rocko Schamoni or Wallis Bird, regional "scene greats" and newcomers from the region and the whole of Germany. With its 650-capacity 60s hall, Faust in Hanover fills a gap between rather anonymous giant halls and small live clubs. Here, the audience is sympathetically close to their idols on stage and therefore right in the middle of the action.
Kunsthalle Faust
Finally, the Kunsthalle Faust invites you to top-class art encounters. Innovative artistic positions on current social issues, multimedia exhibitions by international artists and top-class solo exhibitions are presented here.
Gretchen beer garden and Pizza Günes
The ever-popular Gretchen beer garden and the pizza institution Günes round off the wide range of offers on the Faust grounds with freshly tapped beer, small snacks and delicious pizzas.
Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat:
Montag bis Freitag 10 bis 12 und 14 bis 17 Uhr
Da wir wechselnde Veranstaltungen an verschiedenen Tagen haben, entstehen dadurch auch die verschiedensten Uhrzeiten an denen die Veranstaltungen los gehen. Die Uhrzeiten entnehmt ihr dann unseren einzelnen Veranstaltungen.
Alte Druckerei
Kulturtreff Hainholz
Kulturzentrum Pavillon
Musik Kiosk
Capitol Hannover
MusikZentrum Hannover
Feinkost Lampe
hanoMacke e.V.
Swiss Life Hall
Feinkost Lampe
Indiego Glocksee
ZAG Arena
Stadtteilzentrum Nordst…
Expo Plaza
Gilde Parkbühne
Kuppelsaal Hannover
Hangar no5