

Haferkornstraße 15 04129 Leipzig Navigation >
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In the location's words:

MONOPOL LEIPZIG The factory complex at Haferkornstraße 15, built at the end of the 19th century with distinctive commercial and functional buildings, is an accent in the urban environment of Eutritzsch, close to Theresienstraße. The "Reichs-Monopol-Verwaltung für Branntwein", founded in 1922, had a branch here. In GDR times, the site belonged to VEB Likörfabrik Zahna, which produced, among other things, the popular "Zahnaer Getreidekorn". In 1990, the Bundesmonopolverwaltung für Branntwein moved in and coordinated the distribution of purified alcohol and methylated spirits. After the closure of this facility, the 10,000-square-meter site was acquired by Kunstwerk Leipzig UG, which is putting it to use by artists and creative people under the motto "Life, Art and Good Karma. Monopol is a place in the making. Together with the users, it is to be carefully transformed. Six buildings of various sizes enclose a rural-looking courtyard space with paved paths, its own fountains and tree-lined green spaces. More than twenty apartments, workshops and studios have already been occupied. 200 square meters of exhibition space in the former crate warehouse are available for public artistic and creative activities. Formerly sealed areas have been renaturalized and transformed into flower beds, an orchard and green spaces. These form the framework for the future sculpture garden. In the future, we want to expand the urban farming area with a greenhouse. Eight bee colonies already live in MONOPOL and produce urban honey. OPEN MONOPOL DATES Several times a year, MONOPOL opens its doors to guests under the title OPEN MONOPOL, making it possible to experience Leipzig's typical symbiosis of art, creative industries and traditional industrial and commercial location. The artists, creative people and tradesmen in MONOPOL then provide insights into their work. MONOPOL regularly participates in the following events: "KUNST:offen in Sachsen" Artists throughout Saxony open their studios and work spaces to visitors. "Tag der Industriekultur" Repurposed former industrial buildings and facilities present themselves to the public. "Offene Ateliers Leipzig" Leipzig artists show their works directly at the site of their creation. This content has been machine translated.