When the new Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst was founded in Berlin in 1969, the initiators pursued the declared intention of giving their members a direct influence on the direction of the Kunstverein's content. Since then, grassroots democratic principles have determined the external face, the program, and the internal work structure of the nGbK: exhibitions and other event formats are developed by members in project groups and supervised from the initial idea to realization. Over the years and decades, a large number of exhibitions have been produced whose significance can hardly be overestimated, even in retrospect: the nGbK established itself as a place from which important impulses emanate and questions of socio-political relevance are dealt with. The association works closely with the perspective of artistic producers and tests new ways of mediation.
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The Upside Down Berlin
Michelberger Hotel
Prachtwerk Berlin
MADI - Zelt der Sinne
Kulturhaus Spandau
Siebdruckwerstatt Kreuz…
Teig Talente - Backkur…
Festsaal Kreuzberg
Teufelsberg Berlin
Botanischer Garten
Tempelhofer Feld
Berlin - Kreuzberg
exploratorium berlin
Große Krampe
Groß Glienicker See
Großer Lienewitzsee