Since UNESCO added the Speicherstadt to the World Heritage List in July 2015 together with the neighboring Kontorhaus district - known for the world-famous Chilehaus from the 1920s - the world's largest warehouse complex has increasingly become the focus of international public attention.
Since 1995, the Speicherstadtmuseum has been offering visitors from all over the world the opportunity to learn about this extraordinary quarter and its history in the authentic setting of the historic Speicherblock L from 1888.
The beginnings: an exhibition becomes a museum
The basis for today's Speicherstadt Museum was the exhibition "Speicherstadt - architectural monument and place of work for 100 years", which the Museum der Arbeit had realized in 1988 and 1989 with the support of the company Eichholtz & Cons. on two warehouse floors in Block R. Subsequently, the exhibition was moved to a warehouse floor in Block L. The exhibition was then consolidated on one warehouse floor and was only accessible to registered groups. In 1995, Henning Rademacher took over the collection and founded the Speicherstadtmuseum as a branch of the Museum der Arbeit.
Since 2008, the museum - still privately run - has been part of the Hamburg Historical Museums Foundation.
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