Even after the closure of the Central Library on July 1, 2024, we will continue to offer you a cultural program with selected events at Josef-Haubrich-Hof.
The temporary venue is our language room, which is located diagonally opposite the "old central library" on the first floor of the Cologne Adult Education Center. The entrance is on the courtyard side opposite the white cube in the middle of the square.
This content has been machine translated.Spybrain: Escape Room
Literaturhaus Köln
Oper im Staatenhaus
Lutherkirche Südstadt
Liebig 257 - Klug e.V.
Volkssternwarte Köln e.…
Studio 11
Kunsthaus Rhenania
Thalia Mayersche Köln N…
Tee de Cologne
Schauspiel Zentrum Köln
Rapunzelturm im Heizkra…
Jugendherberge Lindlar
Friedenskirche Ehrenfel…
Salon mit Dana Suffrin
Heizkraftwerk im Kessel…
Die Eichhörnchen e.V.
Lichtfluss - Kerzenwerk…