Theater Courage - that means almost 40 years of independent theater in Essen-Rüttenscheid.
The two graduate actors Gabi Dauenhauer and Peter-Maria Anselstetter were the two leading lights of the small theater at Goethestraße 67 in 1987. Until the mid-1990s, serious and socially critical themes were the main focus (hence the name Theater Courage), but today the theater is characterized by (self-written) comedies, musicals, readings, VHS plays and guest performances of all kinds. But always with a detour into the serious genre.
Although the Courage classics tend to be comedies: Plays such as "Der Vampir von Rüttenscheid" (2010), "Eine schrecklich schöne Bescherung" (2004), or "Harry, holen schon mal den Wagen!" (2009) have been perennial favorites with audiences for many years!
If you would like to experience a small, lovingly run, family theater with a beautiful sailor's bar and - especially in spring/summer - a colorful theater garden, no problem: simply book in advance on 0201/791466 (also by WhatsApp via this number) or
Theater Courage - we show the scene!
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