Trafostation Neuss
PHOTO: © Trafostation

Trafostation Neuss

Deutsche Str. 2 41464 Neuss Navigation >
38 Follower:innen
0 Events
In our words:

How do you describe a place that doesn't fit into any pigeonhole and doesn't live up to any norm? At the Trafostation you can dance, eat, drink, discover, laugh, find good, criticize, look at art, and and and....

In the location's words:

The Trafostation is rather the opposite of a "scene store". At least in the sense of "scene" as a streamlined style, a monoculture of offerings or a uniform audience.

Because here everything meets, from dropouts to professors, from 25 to 70+ and enjoys the cacophonous-decorative smorgasbord and assortment of the small, big "general store" and the flower of the housewife.

From beer garden and cabaret to the weddings and birthdays, as well as concerts, theater and parties:

There is no "drawer" for the transformer station. Among other things, we offer several event series in the area of party and comedy.

The Trafostation is located in the Neuss Stadtgarten in the rooms of the MUSEUM-KUNSTRAUM-NEUSS.

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Austellungen im Kunstraum
DI-FR: von 17:00 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr
SO: von 14:00 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr

DI-FR: ab 17:00 Uhr
SA-SO: ab 14:00 Uhr

im Sommer und bei Sonnenschein
DI-FR: ab 17:00 Uhr
SA-SO: ab 14:00 Uhr