Lantz\u0027scher Skulpturenpark 2024
Event Series

Lantz'scher Skulpturenpark 2024

Lohauser Dorfstraße 51 40474 Düsseldorf Navigation >

In the page's words:

On June 9, 2024, The Park as Lover, the fifth edition of Lantz' scher Skulpturenpark, a project by Kunstkommission Düsseldorf, will open.

In the three-month exhibition, performance and event program conceived by Katharina Klang, we encounter Lantz'sche Park in Lohausen from the perspective of its non-human inhabitants as an equal counterpart - as lovers.

The Lantz'scher Skulpturenpark exhibition series was successfully initiated and curated in 2020 by Gregor Jansen, director of the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf. The project, which is funded by the City of Düsseldorf's art commission, has been continued on an annual basis ever since. Using a maximally open approach and in coordination with the art commission, curatorial concepts are developed that in turn use sculptures and/or performative approaches to examine the role of art in public space, land art and happenings.

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Der Park ist durchgehend geöffnet.

Die Video- und Soundinstallationen sind täglich zwischen 14–20 Uhr aktiv.
Die Kapelle ist samstags & sonntags von 14–18 Uhr geöffnet.

Beachten Sie:
Die Soundinstallation von Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens kann aufgrund von Diebstahl aktuell nicht abgespielt werden.

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