FOTO: © Photo by María Salazar

Bande á Part Tanzbare Veranstaltung für Außenseiter presents “ T A P E ? ? / ? ? ”

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

A B O U T the P E R F OR M A N C E
A contemporary dance solo that explores the breaking of the armor that shields us from the outside world, that invisible shell we build to protect ourselves from what surrounds us. A continuous flow of thoughts takes shape in the body, transforming into movement: tensions unravel, gestures oscillate between control and surrender, resistance and release. The dance reveals human nature in its duality—strength and vulnerability, protection and exposure—admitting to itself its own power and fragility, allowing the beauty of a liberated body to emerge and reconnect with the present.

A B O U T M A R I A V I T T O R I A B O R T O L O T T I | dancer
Born in Trento, Maria Vittoria has studied dance since childhood. After graduating with top marks from the Liceo delle Arti in Trento with a specialization in contemporary dance, she was accepted into Trinity Laban in London in 2019, where she graduated with First Class honors. In 2023, she completed her Master's degree at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance in Leeds (UK) with the postgraduate company Verve, with whom she toured the UK and Italy.


Eschschloraque Rosenthaler Str. 39 10178 Berlin

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