FOTO: © Cholet

Cholet / Viner / Henkelhausen

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

Quentin Cholet - drums
Jeremy Viner - sax
Felix Henkelhausen - bass

Quentin Cholet unites a trio alongside Jeremy Viner and Felix Henkelhausen. Together they agitate the room with formless conversations, non-linear progressions and twisted melodies. Independent from conventional harmonies they create their own musical coherence with dynamism, space and intentness. The result is a humble fraction of the musical possibilities available within the vastness of what spontaneous playing offers.

Eintritt frei – um angemessenen Kulturbeitrag wird gebeten.
Free entry – it is suggested to give some money if you like the band.

Das Peppi Guggenheim ist eine Raucherinnenbar! Einlass ab 18 Jahre!
The Peppi Guggenheim is a smoking bar! Admission from 18 years!

Live auf YouTube:

#QuentinCholet #JeremyViner #FelixHenkelhausen #Jazz #free #freejazz #Improvisation #LiveConcert #PeppiGuggenheim #Neukölln #Berlin

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Peppi Guggenheim Weichelstr. 7 12045 Berlin

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