Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

The influence of AI on the art world from three perspectives: An artist, a curator, and a researcher. Let's dive into the transformative impact of AI on creative processes, curatorial practices, and academic research. This event will explore the integration of AI in art, highlighting its potential to revolutionize artistic expression and cultural curation while addressing the ethical considerations and future implications. Join us for insightful discussions and forward-thinking perspectives on AI's role in shaping the future of art.


The speaker:


Luba Elliott

Luba Elliott is a curator and researcher specialising in AI art since 2016. She works to educate and engage the broader public about the recent developments in AI art through talks and exhibitions at venues across the art, business and technology spectrum including Impakt Festival, The Serpentine Galleries, arebyte, ZKM, The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, CogX, NeurIPS and ICCV. Her projects include the Unit London exhibition 'The Perfect Error' and the ART-AI Festival in Leicester, UK. She founded the NeurIPS Creativity and Design Workshop and curated the online galleries aiartonline.com and computervisionart.com. She is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the UCL Centre for Artificial Intelligence. Prior to that, she worked in start-ups, including the art collector database Larry’s List. She obtained her undergraduate degree in Modern Languages at the University of Cambridge.


Catrin Misselhorn

Catrin Misselhorn is Professor of Philosophy at the Georg-August University of Göttingen. She leads a number of projects on the ethical evaluation of assistance systems in various areas, e.g. in care, in the world of work and in education. She is regarded as a thought leader in the field of machine and robot ethics in Germany. Misselhorn presented the first publications in this field, which built a bridge between the philosophy of technology and her work on aesthetics. She drew an analogy between our affective reactions to humanoid robots - especially empathy - and those towards fictional characters in film and used this approach as the basis for her analysis and explanation of the "Uncanny Valley".


Gretta Louw

Gretta Louw is a South African-born Australian artist, writer, and curator. She received her BA with Honours from the University of Western Australia in 2002, subsequently living in Japan and New Zealand before moving to Germany in 2007. Her work has been exhibited widely in public institutions and galleries such as the Wro Art Center (PL), Honor Fraser Gallery (US), Kunstmuseum Solothurn (CH), Münchner Stadtmuseum (DE), bitforms (US), UNSW Galleries (AUS), LABoral (ESP), and Galeri Nasional Indonesia (IDN). She has received numerous awards including an Australia Council Career Development Grant (2019), a Visual Art Prize from the Cultural Department of the City of Munich (2019), the Bahnwärter Stipendium by the City of Esslingen am Neckar (2017), and the Heinrich Vetter Preis of the City of Mannheim (2014), amongst others.



17:00 - 17:15 Arrival

17:15 - 17: 40 Gretta Louw + Q&A

17:40 - 18:05 Luba Elliott + Q&A

18:05 - 18:30 Cathrin Misselhorn + Q&A

18:30 - 18:45 Break

18:45 - 19:30 Panel Discussion

19:30 - 20:00 Networking + End


Wavelab Barer Straße 19 80333 München


Wavelab München

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