COMA_54 are a Berlin-based three-piece band, originally hailing from Cork, Ireland. Their music is a collision of Desert Rock, Grunge and Shoegaze, forming a sonic structure that is familiar, yet totally fresh. Their blend of fuzzed-out guitar lines, a pummeling rhythm section and sugar-sweet, multi-layered vocal melodies, adds up to a massive sound, far greater than the sum of its parts.
Eintritt frei – um angemessenen Kulturbeitrag wird gebeten.
Free entry – it is suggested to give some money if you like the band.
Das Peppi Guggenheim ist eine Raucherinnenbar! Einlass ab 18 Jahre!
The Peppi Guggenheim is a smoking bar! Admission from 18 years!
#COMA_54 #DesertRock #Grunge #Shoegaze #PeppiGuggenheim #Neukölln #Berlin #BerlinJazz #JazzNeukölln #JazzBerlin
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