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Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

El Perro (USA / Alive records), led by guitarist / vocalist /
 songwriter / producer Parker Griggs (Radio Moscow) + former
 Blues Pills guitarist Dorian Sorriaux, is a brand new heavy
 psych supergroup. The sound contains elements that fans of
 Radio Moscow will recognize, but this is rock music with a
 new, fresh spin and feel. You could say that El Perro plays
      psychedelic funk rock, and you wouldn’t be wrong.
 The heady combination of psych rock, funk, latin rock, and
  soul comes together in one blistering wave of shredding.
  Indeed, this may be a new direction for the Radio Moscow
  musician, but it is still 100% cranked guitar rock at the
                      - Glide Magazine


Pitcher - Rock'n'Roll Headquarter Düsseldorf Oberbilker Allee 29 40215 Düsseldorf

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