Einlass: 19:00
Beginn: 20:00
The Franc Moody story is a Byzantine thread that runs from Wiltshire, via Tottenham and Soho, passes through Louisiana and onto LA, before alighting somewhere south of Kingston-Upon-Thames. Life is good for Jon Moody and Ned Franc.
This duo, steeped in the gravelly realism of 1950s blues, jump and swing, sure know their Wynonie Harris’s from their Dave Bartholomews. They formed bands. Many, many bands. They lived in a warehouse in Tottenham for a few years with musicians of differing temperaments. Their membership of numerous bands mirrors the travails of Spinal Tap, except for the paucity of exploding drummers (their current tour drummer Dan, remains, thankfully thus far unexploded). “It just became very apparent that me and Ned had a different approach and wanted to split off,” asserts Jon. “We were the people making it happen.” And make it happen they did.