Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

Every second Wednesday, House of Music is hosting a music quiz. In their spacious cafe´ teams of 2-5 people will compete for the first place and free round of drinks, but not only! We´ll have other prizes for participating teams, so stay tuned.

You can expect all kinds of music from Punk Rock to Hip Hop, from classical to Heavy Metal, from Disco to Indie and everything in between.

In different rounds your music knowledge will be put on test. Can you recognize songs, album covers, photos, answer question, solve rebuses, guess music charades, and more?

The difficulty of the quiz is medium. We´ll spare you all the hard questions and save them for the tiebreaker, if two or more teams are tied at the first place.

We´ll also have a yearly chart where you add points for your team at each quiz!


3 eur per person


House of music Revaler Straße 99 10245 Berlin

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