FOTO: © Moritz Haase

Ausverkauft | Insights: Brecht to go

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:
How political is theatre? How theatrical is everyday life? How changeable is the world? Based on Bertolt Brecht's "Street Scene", an audience and two theatre educators meet in a public square and interactively approach Brecht's understanding of theatre. Bertolt Brecht (spoken by Tilo Nest) invites the audience via radio headphones to trace his theatre and his visions. 


Equipped with radio headsets, the participants will be instructed both to actively participate and to observe theatre scenes and scenes in public space and, at the end of the workshop, to critically examine the world and society.


FOR ALL PEOPLE AGED 12 AND OVER. Teilnahmebedingungen für Gewinnspiele


Berliner Ensemble Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1 10117 Berlin

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