FOTO: © Kamosu: Japanese fermentation food & drink workshop!!

Kamosu: Japanese famentation food & drink workshop!!

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

🌸 Hello Düsseldorf! Guten Tag! 🌸 
On Saturday, October 5th, we’ll be hosting the „KAMOSU“ workshop, where you can learn about the rich history and charm of traditional Japanese fermented foods!

In this workshop, we’ll teach you about the history of Japanese fermentation culture, how these foods are made, and how you can enjoy them at home. Plus, you’ll get to experience a special pairing of 3 types of shochu Japanese spirits and 4 varieties of homemade *nukazuke* (rice bran pickles). We’ll also introduce a unique German version of *nuka* made with wheat bran! 🍶✨

【Event Details】 

Organizer: NUKA (instagram; @nuka.deu_jap)
📅 Date: Saturday, October 5th 
🕛 Session 1: 12:00 - 13:30 (Reservation Required) 
🕒 Session 2: 15:00 - 16:30 (Reservation Required) 
👥 Capacity: 15 people per session 
🏢 Location: Suzusan in Düsseldorf 
💶 Fee: 15 euros (cash only)

Whether you’re a fan of fermented foods or new to them, everyone is welcome! Let’s enjoy the wonders of Japanese fermentation culture, including a twist with German wheat bran *nuka* 😊

🔗 More details and reservations here 👉 

instagram: @nuka.deu_jap


15€/per person *cash only


Düsseldorf Düsseldorf

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