Set times for the weekends are published every Friday noon at www.blitz. club.
Techno-Punk Héctor Oaks returns to Blitz, bringing a taste of his notorious KAOS parties for a night of rave-laden, hard-edged dance music. Alongside him, Italian Techno powerhouse Anfisa Letyago and Munich’s vinyl stalwart Gonzo MDF ignite the decks—fireproof clothing recommended. Fuego is more than just a buzzword: it’s a mantra, an attitude and the upcoming KAOS night is ready to prove it.
>Neanderthal2-steppertekknopunk<—that’s how Héctor Oaks once summed up his sound. It’s Techno with rough and incendiary edges, driven by an all-vinyl ethos, and inspired by the diverse Bacalao revival in Spain—blending Wave, Body Music, New Romantics, Proto-Techno, and, of course, Berlin’s monumental Techno legacy.
Firmly rooted in subculture, his uncompromising style and spirit make him a rare breed—thriving in underground clubs while commanding grand festival mainstages alike.
Fellow Spaniard Gonzo MDF shares this devotion to vinyl, with a keen ear for turn-of-the-millennium Techno, too. A dedicated force in Munich’s scene, he has been instrumental in supplying the city with a > rough and purist sound < as a key player behind the Counterweight series and imprint. A perfect match for tonight’s bill—fight fire with fire.
Last but not least, Anfisa Letyagorounds out the night. The Naples-born festival fixture and global DJ sensation fuses Techno and Psytrance into an electrifying mix that has earned accolades from Adam Beyer, Drumcode, Carl Cox, Rekids, Kompakt, and more. Her own label, NSDA, has hosted an equally illustrious roster, featuring Calibre, DJ Rush, DJ Seinfeld, DJ Tennis, DJ Daddy Trance, and many others.
Techno-Punk Héctor Oaks kuratiert unter seinem KAOS-Labelbanner eine Nacht des kraftvollen, scharfkantigen Techno.
Héctor Oaks selbst ist vom spanischen Bacalao-Revival geprägt – mit Einflüssen aus Wave, Body Music, New Romantics, Proto-Techno und natürlich dem Zeitgeist der Berliner Szene. Ganz gleih ob Szeneclub oder Festivalbühne, hat er sich unverhandelbar und kompromisslos dem puristischen Vinyl-DJing versxchrieben.
Der Münchner Gonzo MDF hinter der Counterweight-Serie spielt ebenso treibenden, puristischen Techno auf Vinyl, während die globale Sensation Anfisa Letyago mit ihrem Techno-Psytrance-Hybrid von Größen wie Adam Beyer bis Kompakt gefeiert wird.
Techno-Punk Héctor Oaks returns to Blitz, bringing a taste of his notorious KAOS parties for a night of rave-laden, hard-edged dance music. Alongside him, Italian Techno powerhouse Anfisa Letyago and Munich’s vinyl stalwart Gonzo MDFignite the decks—fireproof clothing recommended. Fuego is more than just a buzzword: it’s a mantra, an attitude and the upcoming KAOS night is ready to prove it.
>Neanderthal2-steppertekknopunk<—that’s how Héctor Oaks once summed up his sound. It’s Techno with rough and incendiary edges, driven by an all-vinyl ethos, and inspired by the diverse Bacalao revival in Spain—blending Wave, Body Music, New Romantics, Proto-Techno, and, of course, Berlin’s monumental Techno legacy.
Firmly rooted in subculture, his uncompromising style and spirit make him a rare breed—thriving in underground clubs while commanding grand festival mainstages alike.
Fellow Spaniard Gonzo MDF shares this devotion to vinyl, with a keen ear for turn-of-the-millennium Techno, too. A dedicated force in Munich’s scene, he has been instrumental in supplying the city with a > rough and purist sound < as a key player behind the Counterweight series and imprint. A perfect match for tonight’s bill—fight fire with fire.
Last but not least, Anfisa Letyagorounds out the night. The Naples-born festival fixture and global DJ sensation fuses Techno and Psytrance into an electrifying mix that has earned accolades from Adam Beyer, Drumcode, Carl Cox, Rekids, Kompakt, and more. Her own label, NSDA, has hosted an equally illustrious roster, featuring Calibre, DJ Rush, DJ Seinfeld, DJ Tennis, DJ Daddy Trance, and many others.
Techno-Punk Héctor Oaks kuratiert unter seinem KAOS-Labelbanner eine Nacht des kraftvollen, scharfkantigen Techno.
Héctor Oaks selbst ist vom spanischen Bacalao-Revival geprägt – mit Einflüssen aus Wave, Body Music, New Romantics, Proto-Techno und natürlich dem Zeitgeist der Berliner Szene. Ganz gleih ob Szeneclub oder Festivalbühne, hat er sich unverhandelbar und kompromisslos dem puristischen Vinyl-DJing versxchrieben.
Der Münchner Gonzo MDF hinter der Counterweight-Serie spielt ebenso treibenden, puristischen Techno auf Vinyl, während die globale Sensation Anfisa Letyago mit ihrem Techno-Psytrance-Hybrid von Größen wie Adam Beyer bis Kompakt gefeiert wird.
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