20 Jahre PaPaJo - Paul Hubweber, Paul Lovens, John Edwards – sind Geschichte. Nachdem Paul Lovens aufgrund von Krankheit nicht mehr spielt, setzen Paul Hubweber und John Edwards ihre musikalische love affair im Duo oder diesmal mit Simon Camatta fort. Ein freies Improvisationskonzert mit:
Paul Hubweber – Posaune
John Edwards – Bass
Simon Camatta – Drums
Die Reviews sind wahrhaft euphorisch:
"File under 'excellent free improvisation'. Trombone and Double Bass are just sound sources for a very engaging and unpredictable music. What really impresses is everyone's full capacity of reinventing the voice of a single instrument in order to put it to work in unexpected contests; trombone becomes a voice, double bass gets everywhere, so new and fresh you'll probably forget who's playing what!" – Massimo Ricci, touchingextremes.org
"It's just phenomenal! The pair offer us a majestic journey through multiple playful events that I can't stop listening to and listening to again and again morning, afternoon and night. Simply essential, infinitely warm and beyond compare.“ – Jean-Michel Van Schouwburg