FOTO: © © Klunkerkranich

LGBTQties Comedy Berlin Pride Month Showcase (english)

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

On July 2nd, LGBTQties Comedy Berlin is moving into Klunkerkranich again for a special Pride month showcase and a fine selection of fabulous, queer comedians.

Naya de Souza
Daisy Dick
Matilde Keizer
Konstantinos Natsis
Host: Philipp Leinenbach

With the support of the CSD Berlin e.v. , we are looking very much forward to a wonderful night with some of the funniest queer people the Berlin comedy scene has to offer.

Come and share some love and laughs with us!


KLUNKERKRANICH Karl-Marx-Straße 66 12043 Berlin

Organizer | Veranstaltungsreihe

LGBTQties Comedy Berlin
LGBTQties Comedy Berlin Köln

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