Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

MORAST [Blackened Doom/Death | NRW]
+ https://www.facebook.com/OfficialMorast
+ https://www.instagram.com/morast_doom
+ https://morast-vanrecords.bandcamp.com

GREH [Blackened Sludge | Bawü]
GREH plays a gritty and minimalistic sound played by just one guitar, as well as drums and vocals that manages to create its own character; that combines rage and heaviness with groove and dissonance.
+ https://www.facebook.com/BandGreh
+ https://www.instagram.com/greh.metal
+ https://grehmetal.bandcamp.com

CAVERNOUS ROT [Blackened Crust | DD]

Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Der Zugang zum Bandhauskeller ist für Rollstuhlfahrer:innen
und gehbeeinträchtigte Personen barrierefrei!


VVK 15,00 EUR | AK 19,00 EUR


Bandhaus Leipzig Saarländer Straße 17 04179 Leipzig

Location | Venue

Bandhaus Leipzig
Bandhaus Leipzig Saarländer Straße 17 04179 Leipzig

Organizer | Sonstiges

Bandcommunity Leipzig e.V.
Bandcommunity Leipzig e.V.

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