Neuer Termin: PORTRAIT (Schweden) // Support: RIGORIOUS

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

Die Tour wird auf September verschoben - unser neues Date:
Montag, 23.09.24
Bereits gekaufte Tickets behalten ihre Gültigkeit oder werden dort, wo gekauft, erstattet!

When it comes to modern heavy metal, there are few bands operating at the same level as Portrait.
For a decade and a half, the Swedish unit have been forging their own path, and in the process, infusing life into a longstanding, well-established genre and taking it in new directions. Following up 2017’s acclaimed Burn The World, they return with the mighty At One With None, which was recorded at JFK Studios in Kristianstad, Sweden with Tommy Hansen (Helloween, Hatesphere) handling the mixing.
While Portrait fans will immediately recognize it as the work of their heroes, they are not simply rehashing old ideas and treading where they have before. “One simple ‘rule’ that I have had personally is that no song written for this album and onwards should be similar to any song that we have already written and released. We have been doing this for 15 years now, and I am proud to say that I think we have managed to find our own identity and sound, which can’t really be said about that many bands today. This is our greatest achievement, and the goal is to keep exploring and developing our own sound, without repeating ourselves.”
The results of working with this philosophy are undeniable, making for an essential addition to the Portrait canon.ugust 25th, 2017 through Metal Blade Records, and features guest appearances by Set Teitan (Dissection) and Kevin Bower (Hell). “Burn the World” entered the German charts at position 65, received great reviews and also became the album of the month in Deaf Forever magazine, and reached position #3 in the soundcheck section of German Rock Hard magazine. “We look forward to get out on the road again to spread our heavy metal darkness together with RAM and Trial in 2018, a package that shall destroy everything in its way. Dedicate your life to heavy metal or die!”

Rigorious - fünf junge Männer auf der Mission, eure Lautsprecher mit heftigem Heavy Metal zerbersten zu lassen! Wer ihre Show sieht, wird die kraftvollen Stimmen der beiden Leadsänger ebenso genießen wie den knallharten Sound dieser deutschen Metal-Combo. Sichern Dir sich jetzt Deine Tickets und genieß eine volle Show aus unterschiedlichsten Metal-Hymnen.
Bei Rigorious dabei zu sein bedeutet Headbangen und Party für alle!
Rigorious – five young men on a mission to blow your speakers with epic Heavy Metal! Those who see their show will enjoy the powerful voices of the two lead singers as well as the cutting edge sound of this German Metal combo. Get your tickets now and enjoy a full show of various Metal hymns.
Being part of Rigorious' show means headbanging and party for everyone!


Pitcher - Rock'n'Roll Headquarter Düsseldorf Oberbilker Allee 29 40215 Düsseldorf

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