Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

Quizcarraldo – The fabulously imaginative pub quiz for know-it-alls and those who want to become one. Meet your team over a cool drink and let your brains be teased.
The menu: 4 rounds of trivia as usual. 2 rounds of general knowledge, 1 round of picture riddles, 1 music round. You not only need some general knowledge – thinking outside the box, a love for puzzles, and trusting your gut are required as well. The quiz offers something for everyone, so grab your team and join in. Fame and glory await the winning team. Afterwards there is ample opportunity to say “I told you so!” and “If only you had listened to me!”
Tickets: weeztix.shop/d2jegrdk
Team size: up to 8 people
Start: 7.30 PM
Language: English


zzgl. 0,59 Euro Buchungsgebühr und Gebühr eures Zahlungsdienstleisters.


Alter Roter Löwe Rein Richardstr. 31 12043 Berlin

Organizer | Veranstaltungsreihe
